Kinsey Institute

CSE originated with Alfred Kinsey who engaged in criminal experimentation on children and collected data from some of the world’s most notorious pedophiles to arrive at his conclusions.

Kinsey founded the Kinsey Institute in 1947 and together with Playboy and Planned Parenthood, created the Sexuality Information and Education Council (SIECUS) in USA in 1964, which has become the most significant driving force behind the CSE pornographic sexuality education.

Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) programmes

CSE programmes seek to change the sexual norms of society, are pornographic in nature, promote sexual rights at the expense of sexual health, and generally promote the following

Promote sexual pleasure as a right necessary for sexual health

-Encourage children to explore diverse sexual orientation and gender identities

-Promote abortion as acceptable, safe and without consequences

-Teach youth without parental consent under the guise of privacy rights

-Promotes high risk sexual activities as safe

-Promote masturbation from early childhood as healthy and normal

-Encourage anal and oral sex

-Encourage youth to advocate for sexual rights and for CSE as a human right

-Children educated about sexual decisions in explicit sexual terms

CSE programmes can be disguised under a variety of different names such as

  • sexual and reproductive health counseling

  • information or services; HIV education

  • life skills programs

  • sexuality education; etc.

what is important is what the program teaches, not what it is called.

Please watch 10 min. video ‘Exposing the CSE Agenda’

Parental Rights

CSE is taught without parental consultation, a gross violation of parental rights. Universal Declaration on Human Rights (Art 26.3) – ‘Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children’

UN Promotion of CSE

The United Nations through UNESCO, UNFPA, WHO, UN/AIDS, UNICEF seeks to implement CSE for all children and youth throughout the world. IPPF, Family Care International, SIECUS and others collaborate with the UN and its agencies in the promulgation of CSE.

Report of WHO Regional Office for Europe & BZgAStandards for Sexuality Education in Europe: A Framework for policy makers, educational and health authorities and specialists.

These so called standards are to apply to all European WHO Member States, and include –

Age Group 0-4 – Sexuality (extract, p.38)

􀂄 enjoyment and pleasure when touching one’s own body, early childhood masturbation

􀂄 discovery of own body and own genitals

􀂄 the fact that enjoyment of physical closeness is a normal part of everyone’s life

􀂄 tenderness and physical closeness as an expression of love and affection

􀂄 gain an awareness of gender identity

Age Group 15 and upwards – Sexuality and rights (extract, p.50)formation

  • sexual rights: access, information, availability, violations of sexual rights

  • right to abortion

  • human rights organizations and the European Court of Human Rights

  • understand human rights language

  • be empowered to claim sexual rights

  • recognize violations of rights and speak out against discrimination

RSE Proposals in Ireland – CSE Influence

NCCA Research paper, Nov 2018: Basis: ‘Sexuality as a… source of satisfaction and pleasure’ (p.23.)…‘The WHO’s Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe provide a clear framework for HSE (Holistic Sex Education) from birth to 18 years’(p.24). ‘The most commonly adopted approach across Europe… is Comprehensive Sexuality Education’’ (p.40).

Joint Committee Report on Education and Skills on RSE, Jan 2019: calls for changes so that (religious) ethos will no longer be a barrier to the delivery of the RSE curriculum, and includes LGBT relationships, LGBT specific health issues, gender identity and spectrum thereof – ‘…SPHE and RSE programme be fully inclusive of LGBTQI+ relationships and experiences including sexual orientation, gender identity and the spectrums therof...’ (p.27)

The dangers of the explicit CSE approach needs to be exposed and our children protected from ludicrous liberal sexual agendas. Note a new DCU post-grad course on Sexuality and Sexual Health Education (supported by the IFPA) which takes the CSE approach.