This is where the “rubber hits the road” – where after all God’s revelation to us, the nature of love and dogma etc taught by Christ and the church, is where the individual person responds to God / Christ and lives out the life intended for him / her by God. Of course life is complicated, but it is down ultimately to the free choice of the individual to do what he/ she ought to.
Firstly, what we believe really does matter:
Next, our value systems are very high up there in terms of our approach to living:
In terms of value systems, it is the view of the authors (of the website) that the mainstream media is using their news bulletins as mechanisms to promote their particular value systems to the audience . For example, in terms of North American coverage both RTE and the BBC seem to be little more than cheerleaders for the US Democratic Party. This is hardly part of these public broadcasting systems’ mandate.
As regards specific aspects of Christian living,, we present talks / advice / sermons / presentations on how to live the basics of Christian living. There will be 5 videos each in this section from 3 well know “preachers” – Fr Cedric, a catholic priest, Bobby Schuller, an evangelical pastor and yes, Jordan Peterson, a well know psychologist, who advocates on the immense psychological depth and sense of the Christian message. There are many other speeches / talks / sermons by these people – and plenty of them available on the Internet for you to explore.
Father Cedric: The role of the Holy Spirit is also key as it is the Holy Spirit that guides us through life.
Jordan Peterson:
Bobby Schuller;
Feelings versus Action
Strength in our Weakness
Building a Vision for your Life